Hsu, Michael L. A.*;Chen, Forrence Hsinhung, 2015, 'The cross-level mediating effect of psychological capital on the organizational innovation climate–employee innovative behavior relationship, ' The Journal of Creative Behavior, pp.online version.(*為通訊作者)
Hsu, Michael L. A.;Hou, S. T.;Fan, H. L., 2011.12, 'Creative Self-efficacy and Innovative Behavior in a Service Setting: Optimism as a Moderator., ' Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol.45, No.4, pp.258-272.(SSCI) Ref.
Hsu, Michael L. A.;Fan, H. L., 2010, 'Organization innovation climate and creative outcomes: Exploring the moderating effect of time pressure, ' Creativity Research Journal, Vol.24, No.4, pp.378 - 386.(SSCI)
徐聯恩;Maggie H. F. Chen;Binshan Lin, 2008, 'Top management and organizational innovation: review and future directions, ' International Journal of Innovation and Learning, No.5(5), pp.533-556.
徐聯恩*;Cheng, Y.-F.*, 2017.11, 'The image of the child among early childhood educators in China and its relation to teaching practices, ' 2017 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference, NAEYC.(*為通訊作者)
Cheng, Y.F.*;Hsu, L.A.;Erin, Q, 2014, 'Improving school readiness: Research on using standards standards-based assessment, ' NAEYC 2014 National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, NAEYC 2014 National Institute.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, S. Y.*;Hsu, L.A.;Parker S.K.;Luksyte, A., 2013.07, 'Failure and innovating from failure: A team level study, ' Ind.and Org. Psy. Association, Industrial and Organizational Psychology Association.(*為通訊作者)
Hsu, Michael L. A;Cheng, Y. F., 2011, 'A Comparison of Kindergarten Teacher and Parent Expectations for School Readiness, ' Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association12th Annual Conference, Japan: Kobe.
徐聯恩;龔宛君, 2011, '從美國NAEYC幼稚園所認證制度談卓越的幼兒教育, ' Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association12th Annual Conference. Japan: Kobe., Japan: Kobe.
徐聯恩;莊佳樺, 2011, '五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表與蒙特梭利教育之研究, ' Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association12th Annual Conference, Japan: Kobe.
Hsu, Michael L. A.;Lin, C.C.;Fan, H. L., 2010, 'A Cross Level Analysis of the Contextual Effect of Team Climate for Innovation on Creative Outcomes, ' The 32nd Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 日本:大阪近畿大學.
Hsu, Michael L. A.;Lin, C. C.;Lu, T. C.;Liu, Y. T., 2009, 'Prioritizing Critical Factors of Team Innovation – The Application of Grey Relational Analysis, ' he IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.(EI)
徐聯恩;樊學良, 2009, ' Creativity under time pressure in R&D organizations: The moderating role of perceived organizational support and creative self-efficac, ' aiwan Academy of Management (TAOM) Annual Meeting.
徐聯恩;Hung H. F, 2008, 'Challenging work as a mediator of the relationship between time pressure and employee creativity in R&D organizations, ' the 2008 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management..(EI)
徐聯恩;Hung H. F.;Lu T. C., 2008, 'Using DEMATEL to explore the interaction effect of team innovation factors., ' The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE Engineering Management Society Singapore Chapter.(EI)
徐聯恩;Hung H. F.;Lu T. C., 2008, 'Critical factors of team innovation ranked by SAW, TOPSIS, and GRA., ' IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE Engineering Management Society Singapore Chapter.(EI)
徐聯恩;Hung, H. F.;Lu, T. C., 2008, 'The critical factors of team innovation – grey relational analysis, ' the 4th IEEE International conference on Management of Innovation and Technology. Bangkok, Thailand.(EI) Ref.
Lin, C. C.;Michael L. A .;Huang, Y. S., 2008, 'Models of customer involvement in new service development process, ' Conference of Business and Information (BAI 2008). Seoul, South Korea. Ref.
徐聯恩;Fan, H. L., 2007, 'The reciprocal relationship between creative self-efficacy and creative outcomes: A longitudinal study, ' 2007 TAoM年會。.
徐聯恩;Fan, H. L.;Ou, S .H., 2007, 'A new framework for innovation-based projects: A case of the triangulation design, ' the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference..
徐聯恩;Fan, H. L., 2007, 'Organizational innovation climate and creative outcomes: Exploring the moderating effect of time pressure., ' the 2007 Academy of Management Conference..
徐聯恩;Fan, H. L., 2007, 'Exploring the feedback effects of creative efficacy on creative outcomes: A longitudinal study, ' 2007商業管理研討會。. Ref.
徐聯恩;Hsu, P. H., 2007, 'Creativity measurements: Are they worthy to be used?, ' the Asian Conference on Creativity Development.. Ref.
徐聯恩;Fan, Hsueh-Liang., 2006, 'Assessing organizational innovativeness: the development of a scale, ' the R & D Management Conference Taiwan 2006.. Ref.
徐聯恩;Lee, Yu-Ying, 2006, 'Educating R&D workers for creativity: review of the status in Taiwan and a proposed program., ' the R & D Management Conference Taiwan 2006..
徐聯恩;Chen, H. F., 2006, 'Top management and organizational innovation: a review and future directions., ' the R & D Management Conference Taiwan 2006..
徐聯恩, 2004, 'Some thoughts on change management,” Study meeting on change management in an economy of speed, ' India: Asian Productivity Organization..
徐聯恩;Lee, Duenj, 2004, 'The effect of school competion on educational outcomes: Is the evidence really inconclusive?, ' The Hawaii International Conference on Education. Ref.
徐聯恩;Ho, Yingying, 2004, 'Supervisor creative personality and kindergarten’s innovation: The case of Taiwan., ' The Hawaii International Conference on Education..
徐聯恩, 1997.05, 'Corporate Culture, Industry Tpye and Organizational Performance, ' 1997 International Conference on Comparateve Managemennt, Natioanl Sun-Yat-Sen University.
徐聯恩;;, 1996.01, 'Why Do Legally Imported Foreign Workers Escape?, ' Proceedings of the Third Annual International Conference of Human Resource Mannagement in the Asian-Pacific Region, National Sun-Yat-Sen University.
徐聯恩, 1996.01, 'Preliminary Explorationa on the Effectiveness of Management Education in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of the First Convention on Asian Business and Management Education, University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
徐聯恩;, 1996.01, 'Corporate Characteristics, Corporate Structure and Equity-Investment--An Emporocal Study on Listed Companies, ' Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Comparative Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University.