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Date 2020-02-05


  1. To develop early childhood education teachers, professionals and leaders who are mastering both of early childhood education and management competence.
  2. To advance and enrich the research of ECE in Taiwan.

Vision for the Future

  1. Promote cooperation with local/foreign academic institutions in early childhood education.
  2. Strive toward inter-disciplinary researches with faculties in Colleges of Education, Science, Business Administration and Communications in our University.
  3. Cooperate with the NCCU Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten to practice of theories for early childhood education.
  4. Together with Center for Public and Business Administration Education and Institute of Teacher Education, offer extended courses for early childhood education teachers.
  5. Join in research projects for policy making of early childhood education. 
  6. Plan to publish academic publications on early childhood education.
  7. Prepare to set-up the Ph. D program of early childhood education.

Career Opportunities

  1. Teachers/Principals in public/private early childhood education organizations.
  2. Establish own kindergarten to implement educational philosophy.
  3. Professionals in early childhood education related industries.
  4. Government wervants in early childhood education-related units.
  5. Faculty of early childhood education/childcare related departments of universities in Taiwan.
  6. Academic researchers in the field of early childhood education/childcare.
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